End of 2020

what a historic year we have lived through here? What dramas, fears or hopes have accompanied us? Were we able to look inward, to look at and acknowledge our shadow sides? Have we been lost or have we been able to see the light within us?
To end the year I share with you my drawings “Heart time” https://www.garda.ch/drawing-heart-time/
Art is the voice of the soul and more than ever we need these voices.
Let’s open our hearts to make 2021 the most fulfilling year ever.

VISARTE best of

Im Haus Eber

Herdenstrasse 56

8004 Zürich

täglich geöffnet von 14 – 19 Uhr

FINISSAGE Samstag 12.12.20 von 14 – 20 Uhr

weitere Infos unter VISARTE Zürich

Herzliche Einladung zur Ausstellung Best of Visarte Zürich 2020. Ab Freitag, 4. Dezember, 18 Uhr zeigen über 150 Zürcher Kunstschaffenden im Haus Eber wandbasierte oder plastische Arbeiten und Videos. Wandfüllende «Petersburger Hängung» der durchgehend kleinformatig gehaltenen Werke.

New drawings HEART TIME

“heart time” versus “hard time”

Through the Covid 19 retreat – as I call it – I started working on a new series of drawings. 
I call the name of the series “heart time” versus “hard time”. We have the choice how we use this time, how we deal with it.
Do we succumb to our fears, worries, doubts? Do we create further dramas in this uncertain time of drama? Or are we deciding for a time of introspection? For directing attention inwards, for identifying fear? For dealing with loneliness, doubts, belief patterns ? 
We are all ONE on this planet and it is time to take responsibility, to think and to change from ME to WE.
It is time to rethink our individual lives, as well as reassess our dizzying pace. 
STOP, BREATHE! How do we live on in the constant of uncertainty and unpredictability?
I have literally gone to the heart and surrendered to the wonder of this organ – a quantum field – the centre where duality dissolves and we have direct access to true energy. 

Direct Link https://www.garda.ch/drawing-heart-time/

Meet the artist

Garda Alexander

Group show at gallery ART FORUM UTE BARTH

15 th of July, 6p.m. to 8 p.m.

8008 Zürich, Kartausstrasse 8

I look forward to welcome you personally


Zürich/ Rämistrasse
beim Kunsthaus


Garda Alexander
Light Colour Form
Solo exhibition
Donnerstag, 28. November 2019 18 – 20 Uhr
Thursday, November, 2019 6 pm – 8 pm

Ausstellung: 28. November 2019 – 25. Januar 2020
Exhibition: November 28, 2019 – January 25, 2020
(22. Dezember – 11. Januar Galerie nach Vereinbarung geöffnet)
Öffnungszeiten Mi – Fr 12 – 18.30 Uhr, Sa 12 – 16 Uhr / Wed – Fr 12 – 6.30 pm, Sat 12 – 4 pm
Die Galerie ist erreichbar mit Bus 77 ab Hegibachplatz bis Altenhofstrasse oder Tram 2 und 4, Bus 33 bis Fröhlichstrasse

Solo exhibition

Invitation Vernissage
Wednesday, 4 September 2019, 18.00 – 20.00 hrs
Headquarters Schroder & Co Bank AG,
Central 2, 8001 Zurich

The Art Show will present works out of the group “Seeds & Bones” and “Substance of existence”

Please register with Silvia Makowski silvia.makowski@schroders.com

Registration deadline is Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Mind over matter “Reise-Leben”

Einladung zur Vernissage
ArtBox 90 – „Reise – Leben“ 

Freitag, 3. Mai, 18 – 20 Uhr
Perron 4 + 6
Bahnhof 8800 Thalwil

Ausstellung bis 30. Juni 2019


Garda Alexander
Rost und Gold
Ausstellung 04.-16. Dez. 2018
Villa Meier-Severini in Zollikon  Vernissage am Dienstag, 04. Dez. von 18-21h
Öffnungszeiten während der Ausstellung
Mi/Do/Fr  17-20h  Sa/So  13-17h

Zollikerstr. 86, 8702 Zollikon (beim Dufourplatz)
PP:   in der Nähe vorhanden ÖV:  Haltestelle Dufourplatz